Stories Of The Paranormal, The Unexplained, And All Things Incredible

June 30, 2010

Who Creates Crop Circles?

A intricate new crop circle has been discovered in Wiltshire, Britain. Composed of about two hundred smaller circles laid out in mathematical precision, the consensus on some chat forums seems to be that the idea of the circles being done by aliens is ridiculous and that they are created by vandals.

Really? That's like saying that pirates buried the treasure on Oak Island. I mean really - most groups of people can't even get along well enough to organize painting the old boards around a hockey rink so how is anyone going to get a group big enough and trained enough to gather in the dark and lay out an elaborate hoax? And why would they bother?

Now I'm not saying yay or nay to aliens being the ones responsible, but why not? It seems we are far too dismissive of anything that demands an opening of our mental tunnel vision.

Personally, I believe that some type of sound wave is involved in the evolution of these splendidly stylized structures. Which brings up the question, since when has recent man ever been interested in creating something so awesome but so impermanent? A change of weather and all that hard work simply vanishes.

Picture stolen from this article here.

Come back and let me know how you think crop circles are created.

June 10, 2010

Awesome Archeology

This is totally tremendous. Would you believe that a shoe older than The Great Pyramid of Egypt and Stonehenge has been found buried in sheep dung in a cave in Armenia. To me this is thrilling and I wish that discovering past cultures were more important than making war and destroying them.

Wait ... wait ... have to push my soapbox aside ... or I'm just another dissonant.

Who wore this shoe? Probably the person who made it but that's just an uneducated guess - though it makes sense. In another 5000 years, what will people think when they uncover stiletto high heels shoes? Ceremonial purposes? Perhaps for human sacrifices? They might be more right than we're willing to realize. (squeak ... squeak ... squeak... soapbox trying to sneak back onstage)

Check out this cool article on the shoe and the woman who found it here. I'm going to steal their picture just to entice you further and thanks to PLoS ONE / Ron Pinhasi, Boris Gasparian, et al which is what it says below the photo and I assume is some kind of credit.

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