Stories Of The Paranormal, The Unexplained, And All Things Incredible

November 28, 2011

"Now I Happened to Myself"

Came across this great quote from Carl Jung speaking about an experience he had at the age of twelve years old.

"Suddenly I had the overwhelming experience of having just emerged from a dense cloud. I knew all at once: Now I am myself! It was as if a wall of mist were at my back, and behind that wall there was not yet an 'I'. But at this moment I came upon myself. Previously I had existed, too, but everything had merely happened to me. Now I happened to myself."

Isn't that brilliant? Life is so fascinating and full of miracles I am deeply saddened by people who can't see that and spend time fighting and warring. Here's another great quote, this time from Pema Chodron.

"Even if you live to be 100, it's really a very short time. So why not spend it undergoing this process of evolution, of opening your mind and heart, connecting with your true nature - rather than getting better and better at fixing, grasping, freezing, closing down?"

November 23, 2011


Stories of the elusive bigfoot abound. Two of the more well known episodes are the attack at Ape Canyon, near Mt St Helen's in Washington, 1924 and the Ruby Creek Incident in southwest British Columbia in 1941. Both accounts are about a few more aggressive encounters with the creature.

At Ape Canyon a group of gold miners found their cabin under assault as the creatures hurled rocks down upon the roof from a cliff above and attempted to break into the log structure. This was probably because one of the prospectors had fired his rifle at one of the sasquatch earlier in the day.

At Ruby Creek a mother and her three children were at their isolated homestead on Ruby Creek, the husband being away working on the railroad, when the nine-year-old boy came running to the cottage yelling that a big cow was coming through the woods. As the creature came crashing through the woods and approached their home the mom grabbed a blanket to hold up so hide her children behind. They made their way out of the house and to safety as the sasquatch was distracted by a barrel of salted salmon.

Now a group of 'squatchers' are headed out into the woods of northern California in search proof (which has been incredibly difficult to find) that the ape-like animals exist. The game, is once more, a foot. Read more here.

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November 4, 2011

Chinese Lanterns Blamed Again

Some people can't stand not knowing what's going on. Mystery and Magic are not allowed to exist. A sense of wonder must not prevail. Five glowing objects moved through the night sky in Bloemfontein South Africa and someone had to say they were probably Chinese Lanterns. You can read the story here.

Probably not from the looks of the picture.

Aerial phenomena has been with us as long as they sky has been above the earth. There are accounts throughout recorded history. And they don't just happen at night. In

1566 - UFOs Do Battle In The Heavens Over Basel, Switzerland

A student in Basel, Switzerland reported that just after dawn on August 7, 1566, "many large, black globes were seen in the air, moving before the sun at great speed and turning against each other as if fighting. Some of them became red and fiery and afterwards faded and went out."

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