Message in a Bottle
One of the longest surviving 'message in a bottle' is 150 years. In 1784, forty-four Japanese
sailors were treasure hunting in the Pacific Ocean, when a storm savagely
slammed their sailing ship upon a coral reef. Sails were ripped and supplies
were lost as Chunosuke Matsuyama and
the other crew members waded through fierce waters and stumbled ashore.
Surviving for a short time on coconuts and scuttling crabs, the lack of fresh
water and a reliable food source soon took its toll. The group was slowly
starving to a certain death.
One of the last acts that
Matsuyama performed in his life was to peel thin pieces of wood from a toppled
coconut tree and carve out the story of the expeditions final days. Salvaging a bottle from the battered boat, he
carefully inserted the engraved wood, sealed the container and tossed it into
the waves. One hundred and fifty years later, in 1935, it showed up on the shore
by a small village were it was picked up by a seaweed collector. The village
was Hiraturemura, the birthplace of Chunosuke Matsuyama.
Now comes a story of a message in a bottle for 98 years. Too bad they didn't put the coin in the bottle with the note. Then it would have been a real find!