"The Human X-Ray" - Paranormal Healer In Toronto
Unexplained mysteries aren't unusual, exotic, or something only accessible to other people. They can be as close as your own city. Take Ms. Nateliya Frelova, for example, one of a number of Russian-born healers living and working in Toronto, Ontario. She runs a healing center called Speleocenter Harmony, where she matter-of-factly uses her paranormal powers, including complete x-ray vision, to promote healing.
Nateliya comes from a family of healers. When she was fifteen - a common age for the emergence of extrasensory powers - she suddenly could see people's internal organs. Frightening at first, this talent soon became useful, and now is the centrepiece of her healing work.
Another feature of her clinic is the Salt Room, an entire room coated, floor to ceiling, in salts. People sit comfortably inside and soak up the ions, reputed to be great for respiratory problems. Sounds like a wonderful spot for french fries and popcorn, too.
Look around you. If you think the unusual or unexplained might exist, then you'll find it. And it might be right next door.
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Labels: healing, paranormal, phenomenon, unexplained