Whitley Strieber Hosts The Almanac on Dreamland Radio!
Whitley Strieber - writer of the 1987 classic Communion, alien novels such as The Grays, and novels-become-movies like The Day After Tomorrow, has read Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, and The Ignored - and couldn't put it down! Now he is hosting Juanita on his popular radio show Dreamland this Saturday.
Whitley is a big fan of The Almanac. Of course - he is a phenomenon himself, an outspoken leader in the field of paranormal research and dissemination. Whitley Strieber and his wife, Anne, cover the range of unusual investigations on their Dreamland radio show, and on their website, Unknown Country. The Almanac's factual but fascinating portrayal of hundreds of actual mind-boggling events, just as they happened, captivates any true lover of mystery.
Listen in to Juanita and Whitley, hear some excerpts from The Almanac, and catch some interesting stories behind the making of this new compendium of the unexplained. You can find it Saturday Afternoon, 1 pm Pacific time, or catch it on podcast for 2 weeks afterward.
Like unsolved mysteries and unexplained phenomena? Then you'll love Almanac of The Infamous, The Incredible, And The Ignored, 365 days of amazing real-life occurrences and paranormal activities written by Juanita Rose Violini and published by Weiser Books. It's a must-read for every mystery lover. Check it out at www.incrediblealmanac.com today. A magical daily read!
Labels: almanac of the infamous, Appearances, radio, unexplained