Stories Of The Paranormal, The Unexplained, And All Things Incredible

April 15, 2011

Are You Susceptible to Demonic Possession?

Demons have targeted and attacked certain humans throughout history and into the present.

What makes some people susceptible and not others is open for discussion/debate. My very limited knowledge on the matter seems to suggest that it is persons who are more psychically aware and who live lives closer to the shadow's edge that receive unwanted attention from the dark-side.

Scratches and bites that mysteriously appear on the victim's body, often in front of credible witnesses. In the Phillipines, 1951, 17-year-old Clarita Villanueva, screamed for her jailers to come to her rescue. Prison guards rushed to the women’s section where female inmates pointed to the tormented girl writhing on the floor, battling an invisible assailant. Clarita had been picked up by a patrol car at two o’clock that morning, hysterical, in front of a waterfront bar for causing a disturbance. Begging the policemen to get The Thing off her, they tossed her in their car and raced back to headquarters. Now they watched in horror as invisible fangs ripped and shredded her young flesh.

More recently, this story also appeared. "Philippine priest in ancient battle with demons" . Not a position we would wish anyone in.

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